A huge part of the playhub is feeling welcome from the moment you step in through the door, we want you to become part of our community.
We understand how parenthood can suddenly thrust you into a new world of anxieties and sometimes the task of just leaving the house has already overcome many challenges.
The resources we offer promote open ended child led play, giving no fixed play outcome, this gives the opportunity for exploration, wonder and what if's.
You may feel unsure about coming to a play session, wondering how your little person will cope in a new space with new challenges, please know that we are here for you in what ever way we can help.
Jo our Director can speak to you about your child's individual needs and how the space can be accessed on their own terms. It may be coming into the session first, having some extra resources added, or having the garden space open whatever the weather, lets have that discussion and see how we can help.
Always know that play, children and families are at the heart of all that we do.
With over 15 years in the early years sector we understand how the SEND journey can be an emotional, confusing and extremely frustrating process, we wanted to create an event that you can get together with other families share experiences and offer support to others wherever you sit in the SEND journey. We are also happy to host other specialised events within SEND - just let us know what you would like to see.
Whatever stage you are at, everyone is welcome.

Feature Friday
Each week in our blogs we are going to talk to either one of our team members or one of our lovely customers and ask them the same set of questions - just to find out a bit more about everyone and delve a little deeper into all of us in this amazingly supportive community !
So first up, as we are focusing on SEND this week, we asked our play specialist Vikki to talk to us all about our SEND events and a little bit about her and her family.
"At the playhub we have a SEND event every two months. This is a stay and play session for SEND families and we limit the session to 10 family tickets so that it’s less overwhelming.
The session runs similarly to a standard weekly session however there’s always a play specialist on hand to make any adjustments/accommodations needed, as well as being here for a chat!
We put out some sensory toys for this session and try to open the garden when possible. It’s the perfect place to meet other families on similar journeys, share stories/experiences and play.
You do not need a diagnosis to attend this session and all children under 8 are welcome."
Tell us about you:
I am mum to Millie (4) and Bella (2). I love all things play and crafts, as well as a hot cup of tea and a good book. My eldest daughter Millie has suspected autism, SPD and selective mutism. She can find everyday things very distressing/difficult but her kind, caring nature will always shine through.
How did you discover the playhub?
I first discovered the playhub through a friend who had seen it on Facebook. It wasn't long after it first opened so we had to book a month in advance to get a slot! Unfortunately not long after our first visit Covid hit so it was a while before we returned.
What were your first thoughts?
My first thought was 'wow.' There was finally a space that worked for us and seeing how excited, yet settled, Millie was just confirmed how perfect it was . We had a lunch there too and loved all the options. Millie and her friend loved the egg chair swing and spent a fair amount of time in it.
Areas you find helpful/like
We really like the open plan nature as we can see the girls at all times. Obviously as exhausted parents we love the flasks as we can have a tea/coffee... and drink it whilst its hot! Our girls love the sandpit the most, it really sparks their imagination and Millie loves just immersing herself fully in it.
Your go-to café order?
My go to when we come to a play session is always a tea with oat milk for me, an apple carton for Bella and a Tropical carton for Millie. We always order lunch and a few biscuits later in the session too!

Have you been to our SEND event? What were your thoughts?
Yes, I first went to one last year. I loved how much quieter it was and I found that meant less conflict/sharing issues for Millie, as well as reduced noise. It was really nice having Jo come out to speak to us all and to meet other SEND parents. I feel calmer myself as Millie's public meltdowns often result in a lot of eyes on us but in these sessions I know people understand. The added extras of sensory toys have been a real interest to Millie too and she managed to seek resistance using the pull tubes at the last event.
Our next SEND event is on Sunday 21st May 10.00am-11.30am - book your space below
Thanks for sharing Vikki.